On Sep 13, 2009, at 20:57 , Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 13 Sep 2009, at 09:49, David Chin wrote:
[...] I get an error message that looks like this:
2009-09-13 15:38:10.711 osascript[5261:903] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/ Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): [...]
[...] Any ideas on where in the Blogging Bundle I can make this change? Or does the change need to be made in one of the Ruby libraries?
You need to get rid of: /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax
That's what I thought as well; and indeed, after removing this file, the warning was gone. However, Photoshop (CS3) started complaining that it had not been installed properly at every launch. Nevertheless, it worked just fine. Make your choice :-)