Hi Eric,
if you are familiar with ERB/Ruby you can easily duplicate the template [1] of the todo list and give it any look/format you'd like. You can then either copy and paste from the todo list window, or change the output from HTML to New Window and save the file. Changing the last line in the command puts ERB.new(File.open(tmpl_file), 0, '<>').result to some not output the generated contents (puts) but to save them to a file in your project dir should be no big problem, too. If you need help with that, just ask.
For further suggestions you would have to include a little more detail like in what format your todo list should be. I'm also considering adding priorities, so ... // TODO(1) This is important! ... // TODO(10) This can wait until 2.0 would let you assign further info to the items. But I'm not sure about how I will present that information.
[1] /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/textmate.rb
On 28.02.2006, at 22:51, Eric Coleman wrote:
I really like the TODO bundle... however, something I think might be useful.
I want to export the todo list to a file called "TODO" in the root directory of the project. How can I accomplish this?
Eric Coleman