On 6. Oct 2006, at 02:52, Fred B wrote:
I can't bind a bundle item to ⌃⎋. Maybe something eats ⌃⎋ before TM, although I can't see what.
Another user who has the problem (on one of his machines) tried this program [1] and it did not report a key stroke on ⌃⎋.
[1] http://www.petermaurer.de/nasi.php?thema=keycodes&sprache=english
[...] Key binding is a mysterious science. ;)
Indeed -- many keys are “lost” when dealing with normal first responder stuff in Cocoa, for that reason bundle items have the sendEvent: method of the application object overloaded (so that “all” keys are available) -- this is AFAIK the most low-level you can get with Cocoa and key events, so if bundle items can’t bind to ⌃⎋, then there is really not much to do about the issue.
We should maybe make a poll for hardware/OS to see if we can find a pattern. So far I’m aware of 3 users (including you) which have the problem, one of them only on his PowerBook.