Hi Andrea,
Thanks -- the alias indeed takes care of the command line part of the problem. But I'd like to be able to double click on the files too. And so far, nothing has fixed that.
The Finder seems to have something against TextMate! It refuses to open files with it even when Get Info lists tm as the "Open with" application.
Actually, the Finder doesn't really hate TextMate -- it just seems to get confused when trying to find it in the Applications folder and picks someother app instead.
Here's an example:
1) create a new extensionless file echo 'ff' > newfile
2) select and Get Info for newfile. It says Open with: TextMate.app
3) double click newfile. Finder tries to open it with an old version of GraphicConverter!
Move the old GraphicConverter to trash and try again. This time I get the following message:
You can't open this document because the application "TextMate.app" is in the Trash.
So -- the Finder thinks that the old GraphicConverter is TextMate. The real TextMate.app is sitting in Applications still.
After doing a Restart, double click on newfile now causes it to open in TeXShop! The Finder has picked up a different app to use in place of TextMate.
On Apr 4, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
I think that there is a much easy solution: alias tm="open -a /Applications/TextMate.app" in your .bash_profile and you're done (if I understood correctly)