Some updates.
I've implemented simple stdio client to LS, and it works for completion requests. Also I've made ability to setup different LS (bin and env) variables via `.tm_properties`.
Unfortunately, it seems there's a major limitation in TM callbacks. Some of language servers strictly require didOpen, didChange and didClose notifications for each opened file. In other words:
1. When user __first time__ opens document from project, we should notify Language server. Callback `callback.document.did-open` runs __every time_ document gets focus, for example it you switch tabs. It means we should manage list of opened documents manually, which can't be done on TM side, but can be implemented on proxy-side. So it not an actual problem, but if there a callback for actual document first open event, it's better.
2. To get completions, we should notify sever a new document is opened (see 1) before. And when we open document, then we need to notify Language server about it's every change as document "truth" can't be read from file since opening.
Though specification clearly says "Note that a server’s ability to fulfill requests is independent of whether a text document is open or closed.", some popular language servers refuse to fulfill completion requests until document explicitly opened.
And this means unless we are able notify server on every content change of opened document in realtime, we can't make completion requests for major part for Language Server implementations. Is there a way to run command on every content change?
3. The same as 1. When document is closed, we need to notify LS about it. I can't find any info about document.close callback ( Is it true there is no such callback?
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