On Oct 24, 2004, at 23:27, Allan Odgaard wrote:
I'm back to TM development, and I'm currently adding support for printing. what options do people expect to see?
Great !!
I.e. should it always be soft wrapped?
Yes, by default, with an option to turn off (for those who would like that. Why they would escapes me)
Should the font be changeable in the printing dialog, or just use the document font?
Same as document as default, and with an option to change IF (!!!) it's quick and easy for you to add it. Not important for me.
Should it have the option to print with/without line numbers?
YES !! Definitely with line numbers as default and with options to change.
Another tab-size?
No, not unless it's easy for you to incorporate this feature.
How about syntax-highlight, should that be turned into b/w (there's a quartz filter to turn it into grey-scale by default)?
Hmm. I'm split on this one. Used to print out all my code for reviewing while travelling on the Tube in the past, and then colour syntax was useful. Very useful !! These days I can't afford to print in colour, so I print on a B&W laser printer. Since printing mono, I am printing without syntax colouring since certain colours at 11px Monaco on 2 pages/page printing at 300dpi looks like crap.
So to summarise: Default = Without syntax colouring: Option 1: with colour syntax colouring, Option 2: with grayscale syntax colouring.
(Why have all three versions ?? Well, then you could print a grayscale version even though you have colour printer. Saves on ink )
etc. etc.
Page Margins: This is very important to me. The default in Apple's TextEdit app is 1 inch margins and no way to change this. (WTF !!! Stupid crap) Whatever you do, please make sure that the page margins can go down to 1 cm so that I can make good use of the page. Being a bit stingy when it comes to printing on paper : ) IF this is impossible, please let us know.
Print Dialog: I assume that you would implement Apple's default Print dialog box, so that we have the options to preview, save as PDF etc. How much control do you have over the default print sheet ?? Can you easily add the extra option in there as checkboxes, or do you have to use the pop-up menu for implementing the TM options as a separate sheet ??
Code Foldings: It would be great if we could have an option on how the printing handled the code foldings: The default option would be to un-fold folded code for printing ( but NOT in the current code view, only in the printed output ), but it would be good too if we could have foldings in there as well as a way to 'hide' large chunks of code that we are not interested in. If you see what I'm saying.
I also support Justin's ideas: Print presets, bookmarks = page breaks & customisable headers with TM_Vars.
Off Topic for Allan:: I suggested a version of Project Shell variables ( see Feature Request: Per Project Shell Variables ) which received no replies. Any comments on this ?? Just curious : )
Kind regards,