Hi all,
I have been using subversion on a Debian Sarge server where I commit from both TextMate on Mac and Emacs on Linux workstation. Everyting worked great and I was upto revision 13 (this sounds spooky around halloween :) and yesterday when I firedup Textmate it upgraded to 1.5.4(1311). I commtied at the end of the day to rev 13 with no errors. However when I tried svn update on my Linux ws I got
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/zstaff/!svn/vcc/default' svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 126: Extra content at the end of the document . (/svn/zstaff/!svn/vcc/default)
I am using web-dav with Apache2 on the server with digest auth. Now my repo is borked I cannot do anything with it. Posted to the subversion list and haven't gotten any answers.
First of all does this have something to do with the TextMate update? That is the ONLY thing that changed.
I am no subversin expert and would appreciate any help in troubleshooting and fixing this problem. Is there any way to recover the repo? Googling for it hasn't helped. I think the first line of the msg can happen to a variety of conditions. But I couldn't find anything on how to fix the problem due to XML parse error in . /svn/zstaff/!svn/vcc/default
thank you very much,