On Wed, 9 Mar 15:53 (-0800), Eric Ocean wrote:
Subversion commands always respond that my file is not a 'working copy'. Executing the identical command using svn works fine. I've set (correctly) the TM_SVN shell variable in the preferences.
Normally it should say this only if its so. Does all commands fail or do some work? You are using the newest beta and SVN commands, right? Maybe you can explain a bit more detailed on what filename and what conditions it fails because AFAIK it should work and I never got this error in wrong situations. If you are using the commands in a project, verify that you don't have wrong files selected in the drawer which could cause this error because some commands prefer a selection over the current file.
The Rails bundle is located in ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/, right next to the Subversion bundle, which does load. I checked the Rails bundle out using svn co.
Any ideas?
If you want Rails syntax you also need to check out the normal Ruby bundle because the Rails syntax depends on the Ruby syntax. If you have a revision from before 2005mar08 you should update because there where some changes in the last days. Maybe it works then.
Another problem could be that you still have older bundles in TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/ which cause the problems with the rails bundle, I for myself deleted all bundles there and just have everything in my Application Support folder