On 5/1/2006, at 5:36, Gerd Knops wrote:
Then Safari came along and breaks that rule left and right. Menu's change when Option is held down [...]
As a Cocoa developer I was long envious of this feature being Carbon- only, which lead me to believe it stems from Classic, and not OS X/NeXT.
Personally I like it very much, because there are often menu items which have slight variations, but putting them all in the menu would result in clutter (e.g. TM has 5 variations of “Paste”) -- and often the slight variations are only needed by expert users -- I agree there is a problem with discoverability, OTOH there's nothing like having a used a program for half a year and finding a new time-saving feature :)
Pop Quiz: How is incremental search in TM activated?
This feature is intentionally left out from the UI since it's not something I officially “support”. The action methods to call it are named ISIM_incrementalSearch: and ISIM_reverseIncrementalSearch: since it's basically just reproducing an NSTextView input manager patch for my OakTextView (i.e. it was intended only so that users of ISIM wouldn't lack this functionality in TM).