Hi all,
I am new to TextMate. Just downloaded TextMate 1.5.2, dragged it to my Application folder on Mac OS X 10.4.7, and I wanted to start experimenting with Rails bundles.
Should I be able to do Command+Option+Shift+Down from an ActiveController action and receive a Go To context menu? Well, it just doesn't happen as expected on my MacBook Pro.
I don't have any fancy setting and I haven't change TextMate default config. I haven't buy a license. I thought I'll give myself 30 days evaluation to see whether my productivity improves with TextMate. Is this the culprit, it doesn't work because I haven't register my TextMate copy?
FYI, I can invoke the context menu using my mouse by going to Bundles-
Rails->Go To. For example I can go to my view, and it works
Does 10.4.7 broken the ability? Can anyone please verify the behaviour I'm experiencing?
More weird facts: 1. From my RHTML file, Command+Option+Shift+Down work as expected. I see the Go To context menu. 2. From my model file, I should be able to type vuif and press Tab so TextMate can expand it to validates_uniqueness_of right? Well, sadly that didn't work too :(
Am I alone? What should I do to get the right behaviour?
Thanks a lot! John