Sean Schertell wrote:
Unicode in TM *doesn't* work perfectly well for Japanese because:
(a) You can't do text input at all for Japanese even in Unicode (b) Japanese text is not displayed as double-width so the characters appear to overlap and look 'squished' together.
I believe the second problem is not with Unicode, but with the font you are using. Unicode is only a way to represent characters in bits and bytes (actually, that's UTF-8's job and Unicode only defines the numbers). It is not Unicode's job to display them.
It *is* also possible to do Unicode Japanese input in TextMate, but you're not gonna like it… OS X contains a "Unicode Hex" inputmethod. With this inputmethod, if you press option, you can type the hexadecimal value of the Unicode codepoint and you get the character typed...
This is probably not workable, but there is at least one way to do it..