Today I got this error trying to post / fetch some entries
tm_dialog: you have updated the tm_dialog tool to v8 but the Dialog plug-in running is still at v4. tm_dialog: either checkout the PlugIns folder from the repository or remove your checkout of the Support folder. tm_dialog: if you did checkout the PlugIns folder, you need to relaunch TextMate to load the new plug-in. /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ dialog.rb:42:in `initialize': No such dialog () (TextMate::WindowNotFound) } for command: /Users/gotchi/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/ Support/bin/tm_dialog -a -p <?xml\ version="1.0"\ encoding= "UTF-8"?>' '<!DOCTYPE\ plist\ PUBLIC\ "-//Apple\ Computer//DTD\ PLIST\ 1.0//EN "\ "">' '<plist\ version="1.0">' '<dict>' '\ <key>details</key>' '\ <string></string>' '\ <key>isIndeterminate</key>' '\ <true/>' '\ <key>summary</key>' '\ <string>Contacting\ Server\ “”…</string>' '\ <key>title</key>' '\ <string>Fetch\ Post</string>' '</dict>' '</plist>' ' ProgressDialog.nib from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/ TextMate/Support/lib/dialog.rb:25:in `new' from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ dialog.rb:25:in `dialog' from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ progress.rb:38:in `call_with_progress' from /Applications/ Blogging.tmbundle/Support/lib/blogging.rb:546:in `fetch' from /tmp/temp_textmate.87V0KW:3
I tried to update all Bundles with the "GetBundle" Plugin but nothing changed. I am sure this topic was already mentioned but I wasn't able to find anything in the archives or my mailbox (cause of deleting unnecessary things).
Thanks for helping