On 04/10/2005, at 23.26, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Which would be foldable by using these patterns:
foldingStartMarker = '#\+'; foldingStopMarker = '#-';
What about a start marker that is all the lines to be folded, and an endmarker that is the space just after the block but before the next block.
So something like
foldingStartMarker = '(?: beginning of line, #, chars in line, end of line )+' foldingStopMarker = ''
If the marker is placed at the outer edge of the block, then prehaps the same regex can be used for both start and stop marker, providing the marker matches the whole block.
So the markers would match the whole block and be placed like this:
M # code # code # code # code
# code # code # code M # code