Philip Cooper <Philip.Cooper@...> writes:
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 11:54:52PM +0000, Jacob Rus wrote:
Why don't you guys put all of these language grammars and related support in a single "Semantic web" bundle and add it to TM's svn repository?
OWL and RDF are both XML dialects and N3/Turtle are a different animal so I suspect they will not be in the same bundle.
So? None of them belong in the XML bundle, or some other bundle. And making 3-4 different bundles for different semantic web languages is overkill.
My point is that users who want one of these are likely to want several of them. That the language syntaxes are dissimilar has no impact on that. I'm not saying they should inherit from the same scope, just that they should be in the same bundle. This avoids gumming up the list of bundles with unnecessary stuff, clearly marks for users what "turtle" is (hint: hardly anyone has any idea), and allows functionality which spans a few of these languages to be in one place.
Off topic post script: has a captcha for posting via its web interface. The word I have to enter in the box below is "motherf***ers". I shit you not.