On 08.08.2009, at 18:39, Fletcher T. Penney wrote:
I have recently moved my work on adding MultiMarkdown support to github. I forked the original Markdown bundle on github, and the rewrote my changes for improved MultiMarkdown support. My project can be found:
I thought by keeping the ".tmbundle" part of the name that it would be picked up automatically by GetBundles, but a month or more later, that is clearly not the case.
What am I doing wrong?
First, what I saw, is that http://github.com/fletcher/markdown.tmbundle/tree/master is a fork of http://github.com/textmate/markdown.tmbundle/tree . That's why you see Michael Sheet as author but I believe if you install the second "Markdown" bundle by using GetBundles (hosted on github) this will be actually yours.
I do not know anything about the naming issue here but if you create a github repo named as MultMarkdown.tmbundle you should see it after 24 hours in GetBundles.
-- Hans