Hi All,
I opened a petition on change.org for this request:
Please vote!
Kind regards,
On 16 Jul 2015, at 19:08 pm, Novitzky Peter pnovitzky@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Guys,
I was wondering, would any of you prefer sometimes using square/block carets instead of the vertical bar? I work on 2 monitors, reading on 1st, writing on 2nd. Often I have issues to find the location of the caret/cursor.
This is super-upsetting if you are writing your thesis (yes I use LaTeX), however, instead of typing the great idea/phrase you end up looking for a caret/cursor.
Anybody willing to introduce this – small but extremely valuable – snippet of code to TM2? All present and future generations, writing their theses, books, articles, etc., will be extremely grateful!
Kind regards,