(I read the manual, did a search of the archives for "diff FileMerge" and read all hits before writing this email, and I have also tried a couple of the Diff commands in the Subversion bundle.)
I added a small section about the Diff bundle that Steve mentioned (which is included as one of the default bundles): http:// macromates.com/textmate/manual/bundles.html#diff
There is a command to open FileMerge with the two files selected in the project drawer.
<laughter /> Well I'll be damned. I spent 45 minutes reviewing the mailing list (search string: "diff FileMerge") and the new manual, and never saw a reference to the Diff bundle (which is indeed included in the defaults), just the Subversion diff commands. And so I completely missed the Diff bundle!
From the sound of it, this is exactly what I am looking for; I will give it
a go, and start documenting this evening.