I just wanted to post a nice snippet I just made...er, actually I just ripped it from the fun (function) snippet. It goes like this:
prototype.${1:method_name} = function(${2:first_argument}) { ${0:// body...} };
I have it set up to expand on proto<tab>. Actually, after thinking about it, maybe this would be better:
${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3:first_argument}) { ${0:// body...} };
Either way, I think this is really useful because like all good snippets it keeps you from typing a bunch of stuff that is always the same, and it keeps you from forgetting the trailing semicolon (which the fun snippet and auto-close brace omit).
Any chance on getting something like this included with Textmate out of the box? Forgive me if this has already been discussed; a quick search on the list and wiki didn't turn up anything on this subject.
Also, the fun snippet that's included uses "# body..." instead of "// body...". Is this intentional, or was the hash just forgotten when porting the snippet from another language?