On Apr 28, 2005, at 6:53 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
You are aware of the file chooser from the navigation menu, right?
yes, I know... Command-T is your friend! I'm using it more and more, but sometimes it's more convenient for me to browse the structure of my project (using the cursor keys)...
If you don't use shift-tab to go backwards in snippet placeholders, open TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/KeyBindings.dict and uncomment this line: "\031" = "selectFollowingKeyView:";
ah, thanks for the tip. but I'll pass on this one: in case of doubt I'd rather stick to the custom keybindings and shortcuts.
perhaps there's an easy way to ignore the project drawer widgets? I'd rather give up accessing *those* via the keyboard (never do, anyway) and the ctrl-tab would do the toggeling without changing any other behaviour.
at any rate nothing to lose sleep over ;-)
Then you have shift-tab to go to project drawer, and shift-tab will take you back to text view again.
Tom Lazar http://tomster.org