In looking at how spell checking in comments works, and searching the archives for alternatives and suggestions, I can see spelling is disabled in comments because, as Alan points out, "a lot of comments are actually commented out code." Good point, and I can clearly see there is no one way that can make everyone happy.
In my case, a tremendous amount of useful documentation is in code comments, and spelling errors make the code less professional. I am constantly going to an external editor, or typing the comment into a blank area of the document inside a quote so that TextMate thinks it is a string, then removing the quote and hitting command+/. I'm thinking about crating a shell script or bundle or something to do all this.
Does anyone have any more "elegant" suggestions?
It would be great if there was a way, for example, to have a menu item (perhaps even a bundle) that could just spell check the selection regardless of the context.
Thank you for any suggestions.