Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 21/5/2006, at 16:32, marios buttner wrote:
[...] In the above MT example, was the grammar intentionally designed like that?and consequently now we build another preference item to differentiate those tags of the second kind relying on the string.quoted.double scope?
So ATM most grammars which augment HTML only does it at the root level. There is a system planned [1] which should make it much easier to have augmenting grammars extend the base grammars though.
I have an experimental version for the language, however, I'd like to improve and refine it more, I saw, that the biggest hurdle is the plist syntax and trying to alter it,sometimes brought my unexpected results. I have a large pile of sample files that play hard on the syntax,trying to evaluate it.
Nice to see, that the edit in TM command also works right from within the Bundles editors plist textarea field. (Pressing the Test button after regaining focus nicely reformats the code very convenient.Not to mention the Syntax check.)
What I really wanted, was weather there are any additional documentation resources about the syntax that are not available from the manual/help menu.
regards, marios