Hi again,
I have added process.rb to Support/lib. It has a single method, TextMate::Process.run() that can be used to gracefully handle opening processes and capturing their output. I would encourage everyone to use it if you are scripting processes. Especially if you want the process to take advantage of the interactive input features which should be released sometime in the near future. If processes are opened with this method, then they should benefit from any other features that are added for dealing with processes over time.
There is a blurb in the file on how to use it. Would be interested to hear any comments you might have on it.
Just to clarify the implication of this…
In the next release of TM on (once the bundles have been updated to use TextMate::Process.open()) whenever a process requests input, a dialog will be presented to the user giving them a chance to enter input. The classic use case for this is the Subversion bundle. No more never ending commits while svn is waiting for you to enter your credentials.