Just to be clear: The bug is not holding down the Option key does not copy. Holding down the Option key _does_ copy. The bug is that _not_ holding down the Option key _still_ shows the Copy cursor even though we then do _not_ copy, but rather move the file instead. m.
On Feb 26, 2019, at 5:03 PM, Matt Neuburg matt@tidbits.com wrote:
Same macOS version, TM 2.0-rc.10. So maybe this is a bug that got fixed? m.
On Feb 26, 2019, at 4:52 PM, Ronald Wampler rdwampler@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 7:27 PM Matt Neuburg matt@tidbits.com wrote:
When I drag and drop from the Finder into the project browser, the Copy cursor is shown (with a Plus sign), but in actual fact what happens is that the file is _moved_ — it is deleted from its original location.
I don't observe this. The Copy cursor is shown when holding down the Option key, which is consisent with Finder. I'm on macOS 10.14.3 and TextMate 2.0-rc.22.
That feels like a bug.
-- matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/ pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei Programming iOS 12! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920208662.do iOS 12 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920208655.do RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html