On Jul 24, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:
Hi, please check out the latest GetBundles.tmbundle from the Review repository. I tried to implemented a 'More details' button or simply press SPACE.
Please note this is the FIRST trial ;)
For git stuff it shows all info about the repository and if available the README file rendered as HTML. For svn it shows 'svn info ...' stuff.
I wasn't able to implement a NSWebView in the NIB (I guess it only works for plugins) but I found a way to display formatted text, provide links, and partly images etc. by converting an HTML file into a rtfd document which will be displayed in the NIB.
Very cool. Ditch the OK button though. Make it a normal non-textured window with the textview stretched to the very bottom. I tried it out with a HUD view instead and it looked pretty good, kindof like quickview. I'd really prefer to be able to access the main window while the more info thing is still open though. And then either close the more-info window when you select a different bundle, or replace the contents of the more-info window with the extra info the the new selection. Whichever would technically work.
This is getting much awesomer by the second!
—Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient