Hi, this is a followup to the thread with a similar name, but I thought it deserved a new thread since I'm posting a complete solution (hehe - I'm trapped in a hotel room in Paris, it's raining here...)
1) create a new command "Lable Table" with input= entire document output=Show as HTML
2) the command is the following. (I know, I should post a .tmCommand file, but I do not know how so bear with me). GMane requested me to split the commands, but we have here 6 commands (5 sed and 1 tr) which should be on one line each. When joining back the last sed command do not introduce spaces.
sed -n -e "/\label/{=;N;N;G;p;}" | sed '/^$/d' | sed 's/^([0-9]*)$/<p></p>\1/' | sed 's/(.)$/\1<br>/' | sed 's/\label{(.*)}/<a href="javascript:TextMate.system ("/usr/bin/osascript &>/dev/null -e %tell app \\ "TextMate\" to insert \"\1\"% & amp;", null);">\label{\1}</a>/' | tr "%" "'"
3) open a .tex file and experiment. When you click on a label the argument is inserted. The command and the text insertion is very fast, and as to usability it's already better than the standard Label completion (my taste).
Please, some real coder take this stuff and make it into some serious code, I think the result is pretty amazing compared with the simplicity. I am not able to extend the script for multiple files (i.e. one master file and the \includes), any help?
Ciao, Piero