To clarify, it's becoming clear that this happens for *all bundles* which are not installed by default. Bundle installation simply does not work on this machine with a fairly fresh install of 10.7.2.
It always throws those errors at swap_and_unlink of the bundle package download (and of TextMate_dl_save_filter), though the tbz files do appear in ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/Bundles.
Further, the bundles in question do appear to be making it into ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles, and while they appear checked in the Bundles preference pane, they do *not* appear in the Bundles menu, the Bundle Editor list, nor the language menu at the bottom of the editor window.
No other errors are visible in any logs I can see.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as this seems like a fairly serious bug: no non-built-in bundles load at all, with virtually no explanation.
Thanks. -Paying Customer #1528