I only agree with a small portion of this, so here it is :)
On Feb 15, 2006, at 5:39 PM, Kamen Nedev wrote:
If it's a built-in feature, is it under the "Edit" menu, or perhaps the "Text" menu? If not found in the "Text" menu, maybe it's in the Automation > Replay Macro > Text menu. OR, Automation > Insert Snippet > Text. OR... Automation > Run Command > Text. Or maybe the "gear" menu. [Too bad my keyboard binding for that shortcut doesn't work!] Oops, well I guess (think) not. Hmm... maybe it's under the "Edit" menu? ;)
I think the generic text editing features should NOT be implemented in a Bundle. I'm thinking about very standard stuff like sorting lines or statistics (word count). I find myself looking for such commands in the Edit menu, the Source bundle and the Text bundle all the time.
Finally, I have one minor annoyance with the "gear" button. It's great that it selects the current bundle by default, but I still have to move to the right (kb or mouse) to get "inside" that bundle. Perhaps there could be another shortcut to pop-up only actions related to the current bundle ?