Simon Gregory wrote:
I've not had that happen here, and as it's on any .as file it's odd. You could try changing the file extensions to .txt to see if the language grammar is to blame.
Yeah, txt files do not cause a problem and mxml files are fine too. So far, it appears to only be as files.
Simon Gregory wrote:
Which bundle are you using - have you checked out the ActionScript 3 and Flex bundles from the review branch? Or are you using the ActionScript bundle?
I have both the AS3 and the Flex review bundles, and both are up to date.
Something that might be relevant: I have noticed that the colourization of the code inside the package {} declaration is not as you would expect. All the text is white, as if it has lost track of what file type it is working on. I have also seen similar in my mxml files, within CDATA blocks. The ]]> closing CDATA tag doesn't appear to be spotted, as the colourization seems to suggest that the CDATA block continues until the end of the the file.
I have had a brief look at the language parser in the bundle editor, but I can't see any obvious problems.