What's this about the Dialog2 bundle... and what's this I hear about a public AppleScript API for textmate (as mentioned in a commit to the Dialog2 bundle)?
Can someone enlighten me and possibly post a link, or two? I'd like to learn about Dialog2, specifically if it can help with the git bundle.
I'm really interested to know if any of the following are possible:
* Is it possible to open up a new html-output pane in textmate, bound to a process, invoked by an already running bundle command?
* Is it possible, through the AppleScript-API, to list all of the tabs that are open. (currently using the fantastic TMTOOLS plugin to do it, but would be nice if this feature became part of core, as I'm not sure if TMTOOLS has been the cause of some unstability i've been experiencing)?
* What new dialogs are provided by Dialog2?
If someone's got a quick answer, I'd appreciate it :) Though, as I've invested little time to writing this message, I'd not be terribly disappointed if it was ignored.
Thank you beloved TextMate community,