On Jan 17, 2005, at 10:18, otheraccount@verizon.net wrote:
Uh, picking up again on this command-line-tool hacking, Eric suggested it should:
- jump to line number
This is no substitute for the real thing---just some GUI scripting, which isn't pretty---but a little thrown-together script for going to a particular line follows. [...]
As I think I've previously revealed, I don't know much about AS, but isn't it possible to send raw apple events from AS? And to work with binary data structures?
If so, TextMate supports the Metro Werks External Editor API for opening a file at a given line [1].
Another option is to use the recently introduced URL-scheme with the open command.
And this is not me saying I won't do the promised command-line tool (and also, I'll fix it so that opening files which are in a project, will show up in that project instead of a new window)! ;)
[1] http://codingmonkeys.de/techpubs/externaleditor/pbxexternaleditor.html