Some people have mentioned valid technical problems (stale bundle development, lack of split screen, lack of speed when working with LaTeX, better version control tools support (in my case git), etc.), but I think the business aspect is even more important.
Having read the various opinions on the matter, I'm surprised at the faction that defends Allan's admittedly bad TextMate 2 information policy. Although he has never committed to specific release dates, on several occasions Allan's comments made it appear as if at least an alpha release was within reach. Allan's apparent ansatz (whether intended or not) to simply stop talking altogether, however, is not a solution, it makes matters worse. At the very least, it has had a detrimental impact on bundle development -- and I wouldn't be surprised if prospective customers would be turned off by a homepage that still has `Why TextMate 2 won't be supported on Tiger' in its FAQ -- when people are three, soon four OS X iterations ahead.
Why should we (as TextMate 1 users) care? Well, if this policy has an impact on business, it may endanger the future of TextMate as a whole. So yes, I think it's good that we ask every once in a while what's going on and what the status of TM2 is. Allan should regularly provide updates (not daily or weekly, but every month or two at least). If he does not have the man power necessary to make TextMate 2 into a product, he could ask the community to help out.