Is it possible to create a "palette" using tm_dialog? From a ruby shell I can create a dialog that reads in a list and then lets me load a nib asynchronously, clicking add multiple times. It then returns all of the added choices when I close the nib. There are two issues I'm working through:
1. When I run the same code from within a command, the dialog (nib) freezes and takes no input until I cancel the command. I'm using the wait_for_command loop from the dialog.rb code. I then manually close the nib from the terminal. Is there something I'm missing?
2. I'd like to be able to keep the "palette" open and insert snippets (or tags in this case) as I go, rather than upon window close. I'd like to use this for both the Autotag bundle and the Wordpress bundle, keeping a palette of Tags/Wordpress snippets open and insertable at any time. Any way to do this?
Thanks, Brett