Le 8 sept. 07 à 22:56, Adam R. Maxwell a écrit :
On Sep 8, 2007, at 13:43, Brad Miller wrote:
Hi All,
I love using Skim for viewing the pdf files produced by LaTeX. But I don't like its auto-refresh behavior. It seems buggy, (crashes on auto-reload too often) and I hate having to click Auto every time Skim restarts.
Have you filed a bug report with backtraces at <http:// sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=192583&atid=941981>? It should never crash.
I build packages using tex and latex, and I can say that Skim crashes often on auto-reload. I don't know where is the problem :
Wrong pdfs because I make some mistakes in my .sty files or in the documentation .tex or if it's only Skim ?
If it's because the pdf are wrong, then I will prefer a message
: " hey man , is it possible to make good PDFs for me ?"
than a crash.
But TextMate's laTeX bundle keeps on buildind pdf with mistakes (now we can find the mistakes in the log window, thanks !!) whereas Texshop stops the compilation.
So it is funny that Skim shows me my bad mistakes with crashes and not the Bundle. It is interesting sometimes to have a compilation for example if a package have a stupid mistake like the lake of }.
But I would like to stop the compilation on the first error except hbox, vbox warnings and reference warnings, how to make that ?