I posted an updated (and much more functional than my previous) version of the command this email refers to, did you see the most recent version?
Just a note: I'd leave out the "target" attribute if you distribute the snippet, it invalidates pages coded in HTML Strict or XHTML 1.1... [1]
On Nov 12, 2006, at 6:46 PM, Jasper van der Meulen wrote:
The version from textmate itself was just i little bit too basic. Here's my simplified version...
<a href="${1:` # if the clipboard contains a single line, let’s use that export __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=$UID:0x8000100:0x8000100 if [[ $(pbpaste|wc -l) -eq 0 ]] then pbpaste|perl -pe 's/&(?!([a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA- F]+);)/&/g' else echo http://site.com/ fi `}" ${2:target="${3:_blank}"} ${4:title="${5:$ {TM_SELECTED_TEXT:Link text...}}"}>${6:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:Link text...}}</a>$0
For sure their can be made some changes .. so i'll listen carefully :-)