this already cropped up in the list: sometimes the Latex bundle does not catch errors which are however catched by TeXshop (and by collaborators :). But if you look into the .log file you see that the error was correctly identified by TeX, so the problem must be in the bundle.
To reproduce, create a new .tex file containing
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \frac a b } \end{equation} \end{document}
(notice the unmatched brace).
If you save the file as "a.tex" and run CMD-R, the error is caught (catched?).
Now the fun: save the file as "a-b.tex" (a hyphen must be in the name) and run CMD-R again. The error is not caught (but is reported in the a-b.log file).
So Haris: this has something to do with how the bundle handles files. Or not?
PS happy new year everybody!