A couple requests about beamer support.
First, highlight and smart typing pairs should include the ones supported in LaTeX. So Miscellaneous (Beamer) should be:
{ highlightPairs = ( ( '<', '>' ), ( '"', '"' ), ( '(', ')' ), ( '{', '}' ), ( '[', ']' ), ( '“', '”' ), ( '$', '$' ), ( '`', "'" ), ); smartTypingPairs = ( ( '<', '>' ), ( '"', '"' ), ( '(', ')' ), ( '{', '}' ), ( '[', ']' ), ( '“', '”' ), ( '$', '$' ), ( '`', "'" ), ); }
Second, it would be nice to support the overprint environment in which \onslide functions similarly to \item. Specifically, it would be useful to hit enter and to create another \onslide. \onslide takes a number between angle brackets (e.g., \onslide<3>, *without* a plus or minus sign since overprints may not overlap). Another difference from \item is that the text begins indented on a new line as in the following example:
\begin{overprint} \onslide<1> lorem \onslide<2> ipsum \end{overprint}
Thanks in advance.
All the best, Mark