Thanks for your quick reply. I have added a couple of folders to the PYTHONPATH in my `.profile` configuration file in my home directory.
It turns out that if I comment out the nodebox source path from the above statement, `import objc` works fine. Unfortunately, the reason I wanted to import the objc module was because nodebox requires it (and requires the source tree be on the PYTHONPATH). Does any one know why things would work fine from a Terminal, but not Textmate.
Hmm... that's pretty weird.
What happens if you set
PYTHONPATH="/Users/Tony/python:/Users/Tony/python/nodebox/src: $PYTHONPATH"
BTW, sys.path gives the same output in Textmate and the Terminal window, except that Textmate appends the Textmate path and the Desktop, while Terminal appends the present working directory.
Presumably '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ Extras/lib/python/PyObjC' is on sys.path in both instances?