Just a little tip, the Append to Lines in Selection can also have new-lines appended, so e.g. we can select: case NSHomeFunctionKey case NSEndFunctionKey case NSPageUpFunctionKey case NSPageDownFunctionKey
Append to lines in selection and type: “:<LF>break;” to get: case NSHomeFunctionKey: break; case NSEndFunctionKey: break; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: break; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: break;
Or select: if([nonBase characterIsMember:ch]) else if([upcase characterIsMember:ch]) else if([alnum characterIsMember:ch])
And type: “<LF>{<LF>” to get: if([nonBase characterIsMember:ch]) {
} else if([upcase characterIsMember:ch]) {
} else if([alnum characterIsMember:ch]) {