You can change the "Spell Checking: Disable for Source" value to 1 in the Source bundle to turn spellchecking on for comments. Click on 'Bundles->Bundle Editor->SHow Bundle Editor' and highlight the Source bundle in the list - the one you need is a preferences option in this bundle.
I've tested this with comments in PHP and it picks them up if the value is set to '1' but doesn't when set to '0'.
On 8 Aug 2008, at 14:28, Eric Uner wrote:
In looking at how spell checking in comments works, and searching the archives for alternatives and suggestions, I can see spelling is disabled in comments because, as Alan points out, "a lot of comments are actually commented out code." Good point, and I can clearly see there is no one way that can make everyone happy.
In my case, a tremendous amount of useful documentation is in code comments, and spelling errors make the code less professional. I am constantly going to an external editor, or typing the comment into a blank area of the document inside a quote so that TextMate thinks it is a string, then removing the quote and hitting command+/. I'm thinking about crating a shell script or bundle or something to do all this.
Does anyone have any more "elegant" suggestions?
It would be great if there was a way, for example, to have a menu item (perhaps even a bundle) that could just spell check the selection regardless of the context.
Thank you for any suggestions.
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