Although I have used svn exclusively via the command line in the past, I'm really enjoying the convenience of the svn bundle -- especially when working within a project. I did, however, notice one minor problem which might be a bug. Say I have the following (invisible) directory named .foo:
vampire-squid:~/Desktop/.foo pschumm$ svn status ? my-new-file M foobar.tex
(note the period in the directory name, and the new file still unknown to svn). If I open the file foobar.tex in TextMate and use the status command from the svn bundle, the resulting output shows only the modified file (i.e., the new file does not appear in the output). However, if I remove the . from the directory name (i.e., change it from .foo to foo), then the output of the status command shows both files (i.e., it is consistent with the output of "svn status"). Thus, it would appear that when a period appears in the path, new files are not shown in the status output.
This situation can arise if, say, you keep personal settings folders (which often start with a period) under version control.
-- Phil