Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is how I am supposed to commit or if there is a bug with TextMate's subversion bundle but here goes...
If I modify a few files and want to commit all my changes in 1 commit with 1 message there is only 1 way I've found to do so. I have to select the top level folder (like trunk, that contains my app, public etc directories) at which point you can use the menu or the key shortcut Ctl+Shift+A to pop up a window and choose commit, see the multiple file, type you message and subversion sends the changes off to the repository... the only problem is that in order to get a pop up dialog on the top level folder (ie trunk) you have to have some (any) file ope in textmate. Is this normal? I have gotten used to it but sometimes before I quit for the night I close all my windows so no preview is open in textedit and just the file drawer is there and I go "shoot...I should really do a commit" but I can just select the folder and get the list...I have to have a file open.
I know it's picky...is this how everyone else is doing it???
Thanks, -Jon