One thing I liked about vim was the continuation of the "*" down the same column for each line in a block comment. So something entered like: (* Hello! Blah
would be formated to: (* Hello! * Blah
I implemented this in the O'Caml language by changing the block comment language rule to: { name = 'comment.block.ocaml'; begin = '((*.*))?$'; end = '*)'; beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'comment.block.ocaml.begin'; }; }; },
And adding two snippets for the return key: One for the scope comment.block.ocaml.begin that would return, space in, and add a "* ". One for comment.block.ocaml that would only return and add a "* ".
Xefore I charge off and add this for C, is this the best way to implement this feature? Or am I missing an easier way? I've attached the two snippets and language syntax for O'Caml if anybody would like to try ti.
-- -Corey O'Connor