I need sometimes to create multiple folders from a list of names in a file
for example in a file : list_names.txt
January February ... December
I would like from textmate use a command like : select the names and get the folders.
With bash and without spaces in the names, it's possible to get a result with the file list_names.txt (I'm a newbie with bash ! )
#! /bin/bash
for item in `cat list_names.txt` do mkdir $item done
But this is not very fine because I can't give the path for output folders
1) Is it possible with textmate to create a command and to give the path with an interactive action
2) Do you know a Ruby script to make this ? (it's to learn about Ruby)
3) Perhaps "Interactive Input" is an answer to give the path for the ouput place but I run textmate with Snow Leopard and tm_interactive_input.dylib gives me some problem with laTeX.
4) Perhaps with regex, it is possible to determine names with spaces inside if RC is the separator ?
Then, in these folders,I need to create a lot of files like In tkz_graph folder
tkz_graph_example_1.tex tkz_graph_example_2.tex ... tkz_graph_example_20.tex
idem with tkz_2d etc ...
To create these files, I use the same LaTeX template and the question is the like the first one. How to create a command with the number of files and and the possibility to choice a directory?
An idea was to select "20" and "/Users/ego/work" and to launch the command but I'm not an expert with bash or Ruby to make this ...
Best regards
Alain Matthes