On 10/1/2006, at 23:08, Eric O'Brien wrote:
[...] drag the color from the large sample area into your TextMate document. The hex value of the color is inserted in your document.
I wish there was a way to get other color specs in, like "rgb (155,213,055)"
There actually is (but it's only documented in the pre 1.0.2 release notes):
Colors (e.g. from color pickers) can now be dragged onto the text area. TextMate will run the command with the OakTextViewPrettyPrintColorCommand preferences key and as standard input provide the RGB value as three space delimited floating point numbers (from 0.0 to 1.0). The default command is: awk '{printf("#%02x%02x%02x", $1*255, $2*255, $3*255)}' -- the normal TM variables are available, so in theory one could make the command check the file extension and format the color accordingly.