After some times using TM now, I realize I almost never use tabs. When I work on a project I end up with so many tabs that it's much more easy to select the files in the drawer, even if I have to expand folders first. So I don't really see how having to type to find a tab would make it easier...
Maybe I'm missing something, but, what is the advantage of tabs over project's drawer? Who really use tabs over drawer for big projects and why?
I can see something like 50 files at the sale time in the drawer, while I rarely see more than 10 tabs at once.
One thing that could be improved in the drawer, IMO (and makes it definitely replace tabs for me):
Now when you navigate thru files in the drawer with up and down arrows, you have to hit Return to open the file (even Enter don't work). Wouldn't it be better if the files were opened as soon as they are selected? I don't know what are the HIG guidelines on that, but when I select mails with arrows in the mails are opened directly.
Now you can have a file opened while the selected file in the drawer is another one and the tab of the opened file is hidden, the only place where you can see the name of the file you're working on is the title bar. This is a bit confusing, IMHO.
I love tabs in a lot os apps, but I can't really see the point in TM. Sorry if I miss something.
-- Fred
On 2 janv. 05, at 20:51, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Jan 2, 2005, at 3:45, Xavier Noria wrote:
[...] a shortcut (Apple-E) that expands the list of wrapped tabs. In that box there's a handy textfield that filters as you type [...] you can do that with the mouse but that's rather slow compared to the keyboard [...]
Yes, I would like to introduce something similar to this. I rarely touch my mouse when I'm using TM, so I'm definitely a fan of improving switching tabs via the keyboard :)
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