Andreas' question got me thinking about the regexp in the Heading [1,2] snippets and in my HTML Navbar snippet. I came up with these two replacements:
/(\w)+|( )+|([[:punct:]])+/(?1:\L$0)(?2:_)(?3:)/g
pulls out punctuation, lowercases everything and replaces spaces with underscores. Basically the same as before but with punctuation stripped and multiple spaces treated as a single underscore. "It's Getting Dark" becomes its_getting_dark.
/(\w)+|([[[:punct:]]|\s]+(\w))|([[[:punct:]]|\s])+/(?1:\L$0)(?2:\u$3) (?4:)/g
Camelcase regexp, strips whitespaces and punctuation and capitalizes the character after a space. Seems to work well, but I'm admittedly poor at regular expressions. "It's getting darker and darker" becomes itsGettingDarkerAndDarker.
On Oct 26, 2006, at 5:02 AM, Brett Terpstra wrote:
It creates a lowercase class name without spaces based on the text of the link (I borrowed it from the "Heading" snippets), the idea being that when I create a navbar I add a class--say if the link is Home, the class would be "home"--and then add a body id to each linked page that allows me to easily highlight the current menu item without using PHP. It's the "Andy Budd" method. Like I said, it's just proof of concept, I actually use the concept more often to just create unordered lists without all the extra code...
On Oct 26, 2006, at 4:21 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
Ehm, what's with the big regexp in the class attribute? What does it do :)
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Brett Terpstra : Art Director Circle Six Design, Inc. 111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204 .................................................. p: 507.459.4398 877.858.4332 f: 1.866.540.3063 e: ..................................................
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