On Oct 24, 2007, at 8:00 PM, Brad Miller wrote:
I committed a change to the subversion repository that fixes the problem for Haris. I have not been able to reproduce the problem you reported on my machine at all.
hi brad,
i updated to 8334 but the problem isn't gone (i'm using skim instead of texniscope). however, i'm not quite sure if we were talking about the same problem:
the preview window used to get raised to the front if there were no problems. otherwise the log window would stay in the frontmost position. currently, skim gets raised if there are windows in front of skim itself but it never gets raised to the frontmost position, that is, the log window still stays in front of it.
changing the preferences in the typeset & view window, that is, removing the tick in front of "Keep log window open" raises skim to the top position.
reverting to the 8128 version of texMate.py as you suggested in your email of october 23 doesn't change the situation.