On 07/03/2012, at 04.22, mwean wrote:
When I open a file from PeepOpen or the command line that's inside a project, it opens inside the project's window. But if I close the project drawer, files open into new windows. I don't think hiding the drawer should change that behavior.
Closing the file browser effectively removes it; opening files from outside TextMate scans through open windows and look at the file browser location to see if a candidate exists (for a new tab), so with no file browser, the window is not considered — I haven’t found a better heuristic yet, it might end up being a preference, when to open external files as tabs, as it seems people have different wishes.
Not sure how you use PeepOpen, but you can force ‘mate’ to use a certain window by setting the TM_PROJECT_UUID environment variable for the ‘mate’ command. The value is the UUID of the window you want the file to appear in and can be read from the environment of a command being executed in the context of that window (so effectively a command that open files via ‘mate’ will automatically use the current window).