On Mar 30, 2005, at 22:08, Stephen Lanza wrote:
To get started, I would appreciate it if you could let me know how to do a simple find and replace via the automation run command menus. A simple command to replace all carriage returns with tabs in the file being displayed would get me going.
Did you get the private reply I sent you about this? and if so, and you didn't understand it, it might help if you'd point me to what you didn't understand.
Also, I work with files that have macintosh (carriage return), unix (new lines) and dos (carriage return, line feeds) in the data and do not want them converted automatically. Is this possible? I see on the save command that you can select one of three options but there is no option to leave the line endings unchanged.
By default it should use the setting that matches what the loaded file contained. So if you open a file, edit it, and save it again (cmd-S) it should preserve encoding and line endings (it may upgrade the encoding to utf-8 if you use characters that cannot be represented in the encoding).