But now, let's behold this project business. In the help page I learn that, if I'm happy with a lot of dragging and dropping, it is very easy (and **FUN**) to create a project. I don't see the point in going through these hoops just to avoid having a zillion windows around. This is *at best* an annoyance. My editor keeps state between sessions without any of this nonsense. But, granted, given the choice of wading through a dozen windows and spending some quality time with my mouse and together assemble a project of all the files I'd care to edit, I guess I'd pick... Hmm.... I guess I'd just keep my $50.
Again dipsh*t...
in CLI:
mate .
mate ~/project
mate whateverdamnfolderyouwanttoopenasaproject
click that Enter key and you have yourself a project sans drag/drop
Oh I forget, you don't like to have Terminal open at the same time as TextMate... you call yourself a developer?
Terminal is always open with my workflow anyway, I can't even fathom why you're having so much trouble with this.